2. đŸ’Ŧ Discord Info / FAQ

ℹī¸ Last updated 5/18/22

ℹī¸ You can join the Discord server via discord.gg/unusualwhales. Please complete the verification process once you’ve joined the server in order to gain access to the rest of the channels. This verification process is in place to weed out bots that send malicious spam DMs.

ℹī¸ Please familiarize yourself with the Rules

To view the subscriber-only channels:

Please link your Discord account on the website settings page.

If you’ve linked the wrong Discord account/would like to link a different one please send an email to [email protected] or contact the support account in the Discord server.

If you’ve linked the correct account but still don’t see the subscriber-only channels you can force a role update via the website settings page.

The subscriber-only channels are as follows:

#subscriber-help: a channel directory + some basic resources

#buffets-buffet: the premium Unusual Options feed

#questions: the best place to ask any questions pertaining to the Unusual Whales platform, options, or anything else related to trading

#private-treehouse: general chat for subscribers

#flow-discussions: let’s follow the flow: share and discuss your flow findings here

#market-chat: general market related chat for subscribers

Unlock additional channels

Visiting #-unlock-free-channels and react to the emoji(s) that corresponds to the channel(s) of your choosing. If you can’t see the corresponding emojis visit the Discord settings menu, select “Text and Images” and turn ON ‘Show emoji reactions on messages’.

How can I get the Unusual Whales bot on my Discord server?

The Discord Bot has received some updates. There are a variety of different commands you can use to receive different types of options information. Visit the site for more information.